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Our feet are our main tools as Irish Dancers, but what are YOU doing to look after them?

Aug 22, 2022

Being an Irish Dancer and working with Irish Dancers over the last 5 years has shown me how much we neglect our greatest tool, our feet. We have all suffered with blisters and sore feet on the surface and we do our best to prevent and manage these, however what is going on below the surface of our feet and why do we not treat this, more important part, in the same way?

Our feet have 28 bones, 33 joints and 112 ligaments. That’s a lot going on, right? That’s not even getting into the nerves that run into the feet and their importance. As Irish Dancers we often suffer with hallux valgus (we know as bunions), corns, plantar fasciitis, shin splints and fifth metatarsal fractures. The structure of our feet has a great deal to do with all of the above, so if you have in the past or are currently suffering with any of these then I suggest you read very carefully!!! 

As Irish dancers we like our feet to look neat and tidy and are guilty of squeezing our feet, our most valuable tool, into shoes that are sizes too small for us. Although this makes our feet look tidier, it is impacting their structure, intricate strength, blood flow and so much more. All of the above impacts our ability to arch, dance on our toes, turnout and also increases our risk of injury.

The pattern in injuries that I felt myself through dancing and have also seen matched in almost ALL of the hundreds of dancers I have worked with led me to begin researching what we could be doing to help prevent these injuries and niggles and also improve our dancing. I came across studies focusing on toe spacing tools. The deeper I got into my research, the more intrigued and excited I became! I started using them myself and began noticing great differences after struggling with tight calves and shin splints for all of my dancing life and still now. 

This is why I am launching ID Spacers, the toe spacing tool that you can pop on after dance class or practise to assist in strengthening, realigning and allowing blood flow to the feet. They’re simple to use, easy to bring with you and will positively impact your dancing with minimal effort. 

What are you waiting for? 

Get yours NOW!!!

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