Take a break this December - the importance of rest for Irish dancers
Dec 28, 2023Irish dancers, are you taking a break this December?
When it comes to the Irish dancing calendar, there isn’t a set ‘on season’ and ‘off season’. There are major competitions all year round, and small feises pretty much every weekend. That means that when there is the chance for rest, in December, we need to utilise it.
We understand that during the festive period time runs away with us all. We all forget what day we are on, and then suddenly it’s the 8th January and we have had 3 weeks off practising, stretching and working out!
We have had dancers and parents come to us recently who are concerned about finding the right balance for rest this December - so here’s what we suggest…
Rest is super important for Irish dancers, and also for the family of those dancers too. We suggest that the time your dance teachers cancel dance classes, should be spent making sure you get lots of rest. It depends on your schedule but typically we suggest spending a few days a week stretching and maybe completing one practise session (remember not to do too much - read about this in our blog here) and one workout session. This means that dancers can be resting for the majority of their week and spending time with friends and family.
Not only does this rest period give us time to allow our bodies to relax, it also gives our minds a break too. We want you to come into the new dance year feeling motivated, excited and positive - and if we overwork ourselves then we often come into the dance year feeling flat and deflated. Allowing our minds to have a break from Irish dancing is actually more productive than working out and practising everyday.
We know that some dancers find resting difficult, but as experts we are telling you that this is a LOT more beneficial for your dancing in the new year. Listen to us and enjoy your festive celebrations!
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