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Splits Masterclass

Splits are not an Irish dance move, however the mobility and flexibility that is needed to perform them is crucial for Irish dance technique and certain moves too. 

This 40 minute masterclass was is focused on mobilising and lengthening the muscles and joints that are needed to get into the front split position. The idea is that with your progress into the splits, you will be motivated more and more to continue these stretches and benefit your body for Irish dance. 

Throughout your use of this masterclass we advise that you take a before and after photos so that you can see the benefits of the stretches and see your progress into the splits position. 

Please share your progress photos with us as we love to see them :) 

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Benefit 1

Higher clicks when you're dancing.

Benefit 2

Your posture will improve entirely (not only in dancing).

Benefit 3

Progress pictures to keep yourself motivated.

We purchased the splits masterclass during last year when we had lockdowns etc and could only practice at home. Initially Ruby couldn’t get very far down on the splits but after the class we seen a difference. 

This with some of the other other MWM workouts have definitely helped Ruby’s flexibility. As well as her regular dancing classes and working hard with her teacher, she has made massive improvements in her dancing over the last 18 months. We would recommend the class as it helps provide stretches and exercises specifically for Irish dancing. This means that with class and home practice, you can be using this to help with dancing

Ruby Walshe