
‘Role Model’ Mindset confidence irish dancer mindset young irish dancers Jan 23, 2025

As a Senior or Older Dancer in an Irish Dancing class, you can often be seen as the role model for all of the younger Dancers. Even if you’re not the eldest Dancer in the class, most dance classes have a role model - someone who leads by example and is always there to help other...

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Your Oireachtas Mindset Guide 2024 confidence irish dancing mindset oireachtas Nov 14, 2024

Oireachtas season is in full swing, and each week there will be another group of excited dancers competing for their place at the 2025 World Championships! We love Oireachtas season because it is a time filled with possibilities, but we understand that this time can also be filled with nerves,...

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Is frustration stopping you from reaching your goals? coaching feis irish dancing mindset positive self-talk Jul 04, 2024


We have all experienced frustration, but is this emotion stopping you from reaching your Irish dancing goals? There will always be times when our dancing journey is frustrating; maybe that is when you want to master a certain move and you’re finding it difficult, or you feel like you...

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Be kind to your mind: Self-compassion for Irish dancers affirmation irish dancer mindset positive self-talk thinking positive Jun 06, 2024

How many times a day do you find yourself:


  • Being super hard on yourself 
  • Telling yourself off inside your own mind
  • Putting yourself down
  • Talking to yourself using unkind language
  • Overworking yourself
  • Not taking enough rest each week 


If you find that you do this multiple...

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How to mentally prepare for the solo recalls at the CLRG All Ireland's calming nerves confidence mindset Jan 30, 2024

The CLRG All Ireland Championships are just weeks away now! This prestigious competition, held annually in Ireland, is one of the most important events in the Irish dancing calendar as dancers from around the world come together to compete in the final major event before the upcoming CLRG World...

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Reflect, Reframe, Reset - dealing with the ups and downs of Irish dancing feis irish dancing mindset Dec 06, 2023

The Irish dance year is over and this is the perfect time to reflect, reframe and reset. These ‘3 R’s’ are a staple in our MWM community. Our MWM Gold Club dancers are taught in detail how to reflect, reframe and reset on a regular basis during their weekly mindset classes with...

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Your Ultimate Oireachtas Guide calming nerves confidence dance competition feis focus irish dance irish dancer irish dancing irishdancing managing performance anxiety mental conditioning mindset mindset caoch positive self-talk positivity self talk thinking positive Nov 22, 2023

  Oireachtas season is here and you may be an Irish dancer who is looking for help. Whether you’re unsure about what to do the week before dance day, what to do on dance day and how to deal with the highs and lows of the day - your MWM Ultimate Oireachtas Guide is here to help!


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Mastering the Dance of the Mind: Positive Mindset Tips and Affirmations for Irish Dancers irish dancer irish dancing mindset mindset caoch Oct 13, 2023

Irish dance isn't just about footwork and routines; it's a dance that begins in your mind. To truly master this captivating art, you must learn to dance with a positive mindset. Picture this: confidence radiating from every step, a stage filled with energy, and a crowd that's cheering you on. It...

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Enhancing Focus and Concentration in Irish Dance with Coaching coaching focus irish dance mindset Aug 25, 2023

In the vibrant world of Irish dance, maintaining focus and concentration is key to delivering a flawless performance. We understand that distractions can sometimes get in the way, affecting your dancing and progress. But worry not! We have gathered our top tips and techniques to help you overcome...

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Harnessing the Power of Positive Affirmations in Irish Dancing: Building Confidence from Within affirmation confidence mindset positive self-talk positivity Jun 25, 2023

Do you ever find yourself longing to boost your confidence, overcome self-doubt, and tap into your true potential as an Irish dancer? The journey to becoming the best version of yourself on the dance floor is filled with ups and downs, but there's a transformative practice that can support you...

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How to Overcome Mental Blocks in Irish Dancing with Mindset Coaching irish dancer mindset May 15, 2023

Are you struggling with mental blocks in your Irish dancing? It's not uncommon for dancers to hit a plateau or feel stuck in their progress. But with the right mindset coaching, you can overcome these obstacles and take your dancing to the next level. In this blog, we'll explore how to identify...

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No Worlds? No problem irish dancer irishdancing mindset positivity Apr 01, 2023

Multiple organisations are preparing to host their World Championships over the next few weeks. This is such an exciting time for those dancers who are preparing to head to Montreal, Killarney and Dublin. But there are many dancers all over the world who won't be attending the World...

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