
Five things MWM learned in 2023 community focus irish dance positivity Feb 19, 2024

 2024 is here and we have an exciting year filled with so many possibilities in front of us. 2023 was a REALLY big year for us all at Move With Meg and every success and obstacle allowed us to grow and learn. 


Here are five things we learned in 2023 and how we are using these...

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How to mentally prepare for the solo recalls at the CLRG All Ireland's calming nerves confidence mindset Jan 30, 2024

The CLRG All Ireland Championships are just weeks away now! This prestigious competition, held annually in Ireland, is one of the most important events in the Irish dancing calendar as dancers from around the world come together to compete in the final major event before the upcoming CLRG World...

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Doā€™s and Donā€™ts in the 12 weeks leading up to the World Irish Dance Championships irish dancer irish dancing world championships world qualifier Jan 16, 2024

The World Irish Dance Championships is the biggest event in the Irish dancing calendar! Each organisation holds their World Championships once a year in spectacular venues and dancers prepare all year round for only a few minutes on that stage. The World Irish Dance Championships are always...

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2024 Goal Setting for Irish dancers Dec 28, 2023

It is almost the New Year and Irish dancers there’s no better time to do some goal setting. Goal setting is something that we do every month in the MWM Gold Club, but we think it is also great to do a Goal setting activity at the end of each year too. 


Goal setting is the act of...

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Take a break this December - the importance of rest for Irish dancers irish dancer irish dancing young irish dancers Dec 28, 2023

Irish dancers, are you taking a break this December? 


When it comes to the Irish dancing calendar, there isn’t a set ‘on season’ and ‘off season’. There are major competitions all year round, and small feises pretty much every weekend. That means that...

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Reflect, Reframe, Reset - dealing with the ups and downs of Irish dancing feis irish dancing mindset Dec 06, 2023

The Irish dance year is over and this is the perfect time to reflect, reframe and reset. These ‘3 R’s’ are a staple in our MWM community. Our MWM Gold Club dancers are taught in detail how to reflect, reframe and reset on a regular basis during their weekly mindset classes with...

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Why Irish dancers shouldn't practice for one hour practice stamina young irish dancers Nov 28, 2023

‘I want to give my dancing 100%’ 


On a weekly basis we hear dancers who are totally dedicated to their dancing and want to do everything they can to improve. This is amazing and we are always inspired by their dedication and passion for their Irish dancing. 



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Parents Guide to Helping Your Dancer at Oireachtas calming nerves coaching community confidence dance competition feis focus irish dance irish dancer irish dancing managing performance anxiety mental conditioning mindset caoch positive self-talk positivity self talk thinking positive young irish dancers Nov 22, 2023

 Oireachtas season is upon us and we are always here to use our MWM expertise to help as many dancers as possible. But we understand that many parents often feel confused and overwhelmed by the whole process too - so we’ve come up with five helpful tips that will help you, as parents,...

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Your Ultimate Oireachtas Guide calming nerves confidence dance competition feis focus irish dance irish dancer irish dancing irishdancing managing performance anxiety mental conditioning mindset mindset caoch positive self-talk positivity self talk thinking positive Nov 22, 2023

  Oireachtas season is here and you may be an Irish dancer who is looking for help. Whether you’re unsure about what to do the week before dance day, what to do on dance day and how to deal with the highs and lows of the day - your MWM Ultimate Oireachtas Guide is here to help!


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How Focusing on Kick Height Can Transform Your Irish Dance Performance irish dance irish dancing kick height Oct 23, 2023

Irish dance is a mesmerising art form that demands precision, strength, and grace. While many aspects contribute to a captivating performance, one factor that some kids may feel like is often unachievable if they aren’t naturally flexible is —kick height. The height of your kicks can...

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Unlocking Irish Dance Excellence: 4 Tips for Consistency For Young Irish Dancers consistency irish dancer young irish dancers Oct 18, 2023

In the vibrant world of Irish dance, there's a trait that stands as the dividing line between ordinary and extraordinary: consistency. It's a quality that all Irish dancers need in their arsenal to transform their dreams into reality. Yet, it's no secret that many talented dancers struggle to...

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7 Things I Wish I Knew Sooner as an Irish Dancer community irish dance irish dancer Oct 16, 2023

Irish dance is a mesmerising world of intricate footwork, graceful movements, and captivating rhythms. But like any journey, it comes with its lessons. Imagine having the wisdom of experienced Irish dancers to guide you from the start. In this blog post, we're sharing seven valuable insights from...

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